Forecast and historical data for safe, efficient, and sustainable
Marine Planning

enabling innovators

The OECD predicts the value added by the Blue Economy will reach USD 3 trillion in 2030, with significant increases in fisheries, off-shore infrastructure, and port activities. Access to ocean data is vital for safe, effective and efficient planning and operations. Our web API connects our customers' software to valuable oceanographic data, forecast and historical, enabling them to maximise the value of their products and services in the blue economy.

rtofs physical forecasts

Marine forecasting enables the prediction of fundamental ocean properties such as sea temperature, wave height, currents, salinities, and sea ice thickness. The official global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System RTOFS was developed and made available by the US National Weather Service and the US Navy. It is operated by the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and provides 3D gridded data with a 24 hour time step, forecasting ahead 120 hours.

nemo biogeochemistry and physical data

Ocean biogeochemistry is the study of processes that govern the cycling of elements and compounds in the ocean, playing a crucial role in regulating Earth's climate and marine ecosystems. NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) is a general model of ocean circulation that is composed of several models, including the NEMO-TOP/PISCES model of biogeochemistry and the physical oceanography model.

mfwam global wave forecasts

Wave forecasts are essential for ensuring the safety of maritime operations by providing critical information about sea conditions to avoid hazardous situations. Additionally, they help optimize shipping routes and protect coastal communities from the impacts of extreme weather and waves.

Météo-France's global ocean analysis and forecast system offers daily analyses and 10-day forecasts for ocean surface waves with a 1/12 degree resolution. It includes 3-hourly wave parameters such as significant height, period, and direction. Our web API provides access to Copernicus generated forecasts and 2 years of historical data.

gebco bathymetry

Bathymetry is the study of the depth of the ocean floor, the information is critical to safe surface and sub-surface navigation. It can also provide valuable inputs to other models, such as ecosystem modelling for sustainable fisheries.

There is a concerted effort to produce a definitive map of the ocean floor by 2030. We provide web API access to this General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). GEBCO releases a new grid each year, our web API provides access to the grid (current as at 11 May 2022).

We offer reliable, convenient web API access to the above models, with a 14 day free trial and ongoing subscriptions starting from $100 per month and supported by a Service Level Agreement.

ocean temp nowcaster

Nowcast the ocean temperature for a given latitude, longitude, and depth.